Abstract Style Guide
The abstract style guide follows the submission requireqments of The International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching.
--Ideally no more than 15 words
--Capitalize the first alphabet in each concrete word
--No more than 400 words excluding references
--written as a single paragraph without indentation of the first line
--Contain an informative summary of the main points, including, where relevant, the purpose, methodology (including specific names of scales/tests and types of questionnaires), type of data, special characteristics of subjects used, and conclusions
--Three to five keywords describing the content, each separated by a comma
--Only the first alphabet in the first key word should be capitalized
Journal entry format
Surname, I. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), page-page. DOI
Book entry format
Surname, I. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Publisher.
Surname, I. (Year). Title of book. Publisher. https://doi.org/xxxxx
Book chapter entry format
Surname, I. (Year). Title of chapter. In I. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.
Edited book entry format
Surname, I. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.
Font and Font Style
Title: Times New Roman font, 14 point.
Body: Times New Roman font, 12 point
Use italics for emphasis, not bold or underlining.
For more submission support, please refer to the Style Guide or email unileeds@isoctal.com.
When you submit your abstract, please ensure:
your abstract should be submitted to unileeds@isoctal.com with the subject title "Abstract";
in your covering letter, such information as your title, your full name and your affiliation should be specified;
your attached submission is anonymised.