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Abstract Style Guide


The abstract style guide follows the submission requireqments of The International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching.


  • Title

--Ideally no more than 15 words

--Capitalize the first alphabet in each concrete word


  • Body

--No more than 400 words excluding references

--written as a single paragraph without indentation of the first line

--Contain an informative summary of the main points, including, where relevant, the purpose, methodology (including specific names of scales/tests and types of questionnaires), type of data, special characteristics of subjects used, and conclusions


  • Keywords

--Three to five keywords describing the content, each separated by a comma

--Only the first alphabet in the first key word should be capitalized


  • References

  • Journal entry format

Surname, I. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), page-page. DOI

  • Book entry format

Surname, I. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Publisher.

Surname, I. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

  • Book chapter entry format

Surname, I. (Year). Title of chapter. In I. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.

  • Edited book entry format

Surname, I. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


  • Font and Font Style

Title: Times New Roman font, 14 point.

Body: Times New Roman font, 12 point

Use italics for emphasis, not bold or underlining.


For more submission support, please refer to the Style Guide or email  



When you submit your abstract, please ensure:


  •  your abstract should be submitted to with the subject title "Abstract";

  •  in your covering letter, such information as your title, your full name and your affiliation should be specified;

  •  your attached submission is anonymised. 




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